Wednesday 9 January 2013

Andropause & Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

A much debated issue nowadays in the circles of geriatrics is the striking increase in the number of andropause(also termed manopause) cases. A notional equivalent of menopause, but not in anyway similar in the technical aspects. While menopause is a natural end to an integral facet of womanhood, andropause is an anomaly induced by the changing environment on what defines a man and his manliness.

The decrease in production of androgens causes this. Andro-gens as in male hormones, responsible for all those characteristics tangible and intangible which explains why men are the way they are. And as is seen nowadays the rate at which these unique characteristics dwindle with the increase in age is alarming. Age does take a toll on everybody, but right now it seems to be hurrying through the motions and youth seems to be hurtling towards an abyss.

This is where the defense mechanism which mankind has developed kicks in. That inherent quality which questions all and sundry, putting a brake on that vehicle en-route to the abyss. The medical science's cure for hypo-gonadism (the inability of the testes in case of males to produce testosterone – the primary male hormone) has come. And the answer is Testosterone( or Androgen) replacement therapy.

A therapy where the male hormone testosterone along with other synthetic manipulations aid and abet the reversal of andropause in an accelerated time frame. Hormones are administered in various ways through various agents. Men who are looking to delay and in some cases roll back aging albeit temporarily also resort to Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

The possibilities the therapy has opened are manifold, possible therapeutic applications for various maladies like diabetes(mellitus), heart complications, erectile dysfunction amongst others are being researched and mulled over.

The good has to be taken with the bad, and hence possible side effects needs to be discussed with your doctor before commencement of therapy. Click here to get more information on slowing aging for men.

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